Announcing Luminous Watch for Events
A Message From AnyClip’s CEO & President, Gil Becker
As someone who generally goes to a lot of industry events, in recent years I’ve started paying closer attention to the movement of the room.
The day kicks off with a full venue. Keynote speakers attract a crowd and focus all attention on the stage. As the program advances and the day pushes on, however, the room breathes. People come and go as participants take meetings in the lobby. Attention flickers as guests multi-task on their laptops.
In the COVID-era of virtual events, this ebb and flow is even more pronounced online. We miss presentations as business and life interfere with our focus. Now more than ever, retaining the value of our ticket investment leads us to rely on video recordings to catch up on what we missed. But more often than not, this valuable aftershow is more of an afterthought.
Event organizers are leaving opportunity on the table by under-serving this long-tail need for information and community, a need that’s only been accelerated in today’s socially-distanced world. But getting more value from online events requires new thinking and new tools. Organizers must think beyond the live stream to embrace audience interest before, during and long after their live program. To keep audiences engaged, video, like a website’s written content, should be searchable and dynamically recommend relevant content to viewers at the moments when they’re actively leaning in to watch. To do this efficiently, new tools and services are required: more content, more powerful management systems, less hands-on time and more automation.
These are precisely the challenges AnyClip will address this summer with Luminous Watch. Using our award-winning video on demand (VOD) technology, we aim to shift the online event paradigm into a more valuable next chapter. Using Luminous Watch’s automated back-end platform and premium front-end video hub page experience, any company, brand or organization will now have the tools necessary to raise the value of their events for themselves, their audience, and their sponsors.
This solution will make its debut this month as VentureBeat hosts its annual VB Transform event July, 15-17 in a new, exclusively digital format. Using Luminous Watch to aggregate the entire conference content collection, while distributing live programming across its site with AnyClip live stream players, VentureBeat will effectively evolve their format while raising the value of their experience before, during and long after the event has ended.
I am excited to invite you to join us, both in seeing our Luminous Watch event solutions at work later this month and in our ongoing mission to improve digital video as we know it. As we push into this next chapter, let’s stay critical of underwhelming experiences and challenge the status quo. Together, let’s raise our value through innovation.
See you online,