Platform Updates: October 5, 2020
In this Luminous News release we are sharing updates on the following topics:
Luminous Watch VOD
- Inline player channel
- Search bar
- Search view
Inline Player Channel:
Publishers can now createInline Player Channels on the video hub main page. The channel automatically plays muted previews of channel videos in a large format, full-width video player. A single click on the video player opens the Player Page playing clicked video. A single click on the carousel thumbnail will change the video playing in the inline player. The Inline Player channel looks like a Standard channel on mobile devices.
The Inline Player Channel layout can be placed anywhere in your hub page. Like other channel layouts, you can easily control the featured content as well as the color and font of the overlay title and description. This player can’t be monetized with ads and the player events can’t be tracked.
-- Image: The Inline Player Channel highlights the featured content in a large format, full-width player to enhance the viewing experience --
Search Bar:
- The search bar is “sticky” and will stay with the users as they scroll
Search View:
- The search results list now contains up to 250 videos
- You can now view social metrics — such as views, likes and shares — in the search results